
Website title: Media data
Auther: DBU
Last update: 15.02.2025

DBU Marketing GmbH

Advertising Options with Sport Bowling

DBU Marketing GmbH is coordinating all marketing activities around sport bowling in Germany. This does especially include sponsorships and co-operations with the German Bowling Federation (DBU), being the national head organization for sport bowling.


·                  Ad space at the DBU website

·                  Advertising and promotion with our weekly newsletter

Team Germany

·                  Shirt advertising

·                  Equipment supplies

·                  Show events, TV-productions etc.

National and international events

·                  Title sponsoring and/or presentation in the official result lists

·                  Ad space on site at the competition venues

·                  Ad space at the event websites

·                  Ad space in the official program books

·                  Product presentation on site around the competition

·                  Event-related offers to the participants and visitors

Coming Highlights are, besides of the annual events (National Leagues, National Championships, QubicaAMF German Open)

·                  The World Senior Championships in Munich (August 2017)

All means of co-operations and advertising may be combined individually and flexible in order to comply with your budget and the desired target group for your communication.


DBU Marketing GmbH

Föhringer Allee 11

85774 Unterföhring


Phone +49 89 61469830

Fax +49 89 69373968
